time()-60) die("Sorry: You recently have reported an image, you must report one image within duration of 1 minute."); if(!act('id')) { die("An Invalid or outdated link followed!"); } else { list($id,$xdate) = @explode("_",_html(@$_GET['id'])); eval("\$idate = 0x$xdate;"); $lc_path = IMAGE_DIR.'/images/'.date("Y/F/d",$idate)."/{$id}_{$xdate}.jpg"; if(!file_exists($lc_path)) die("An Invalid or outdated link followed!"); if(!act('process')) { $center = eval_template("report_image"); } else { #process the form here #$image_path = $root_path.IMAGE_DIRC.'/images/'.date("Y/F/d",$idate)."/{$id}_{$xdate}.jpg"; $error=''; if(md5(strtoupper($_POST['captcha'])) != @$_SESSION["usercap"]) { $error = "Inalid security code entered"; } $_SESSION["usercap"] = ''; if($error != "") $center = eval_template("report_image"); else { #send message here $message = _html(substr(@$_POST['message'],0,100)); @mail($_POST['email'], "Reported Abuse {$id}_{$xdate}", " Hello administrator, User '$logged_user[username]' has reported following image to be against your terms. $root_path/share.php?id={$id}_{$xdate} ------------- $message ------------- User's Profile $root_path/profile.php?id=$logged_user[username] ---------------------------- Automated Message By DPI $root_path ", "From: \"$settings[namefrom]\" <$settings[emailfrom]>"); $_SESSION["lastreport"] = time(); echo "Abuse of Terms successfully reported to administrtor!

"; redirect("$root_path/share.php?id={$id}_{$xdate}"); die(); } } } echo eval_template("header") . eval_template("body") . eval_template("footer") ; ?>